Queensland has announced milestones with two significant projects: the Pioneer-Burdekin Pumped Hydro project and the Gladstone hydrogen facility.

Serious issues have limited the operations of Australia’s Antarctic icebreaker.

The possibility of new fossil fuel activities have stirred controversy in the Northern Territory.

Woodside Energy is at a crossroads with environmentalists and investors over its climate strategies.

The minimum pay for the average Queensland construction worker on civil projects has been increased to over $200,000 a year.

Most fossil fuel companies have ramped up production since the signing of the Paris Agreement, a new study finds.

The developer’s lobby says union-friendly IR laws could see Australia miss its ambitious national housing target.

Progress on Australia’s Inland Rail project has been reported.

Fines of over half a million dollars have been issued following a fatal train derailment in NSW.

The collapse of four prominent Canberra-based building companies this year has left subcontractors in dire straits, collectively owed millions of dollars.

Lawyers say new IR agreements should face more scrutiny.

A dispute has erupted between mining giant Adani and a town that once welcomed it.

A hunger for coal in NSW is driving calls to keep Eraring open longer.

Greg Combet, incoming chair of the Net Zero Economy Agency, has urged a “just transition” for coal workers in the shift to renewable power.

New techniques could help Australia find resources critical to its net-zero goals.

VicGrid has announced details of its planned investigation into a new transmission line route.

The ACCC is sharpening its focus on gas retailers.

Experts say Sydney has grown like a tumour.

The NSW Independent Planning Commission has announced its new chair.

A US Navy review finds the delivery of nuclear-powered submarines to Australia could face a delay of up to three years.

New documents have revived airport industrial action.

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